Erika Tatad

Prior to joining xchange, Erika was Managing Director of Hapinoy, a social enterprise that works with women micro-entrepreneurs to grow their small village shops (“sari-sari stores”) through training and education, access to capital, and new business opportunities. She served as Regional Director for Asia Pacific of the World Youth Alliance, a UN-affiliated youth organization based in New York, focused on dignity and development. Erika also worked as a Senior Strategy Manager for k2 interactive (now part of Publicis Jimenez Basic), a Manila- based boutique strategy and communications firm, handling key accounts in the FMCG, banking, real estate and logistics industries.

Erika completed her International Diploma Programs in Global Business Management and Marketing from UC Berkeley, as well as an internship with World of Good, a leading US-based social enterprise now with the eBay group. She is an Asia Society Class of 2010 Asia 21 Philippines Fellow, a recipient of the 2015 Freedom for Excellence Award from the World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific and a 2016 Kathryn Hoomkwap Awardee.

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